Sunday, July 1, 2007

Be Your Own Counsellor

by Dainow Sheila

In order to have control, you must understand yourself and the situation:
  • what's happening now? what's not?
  • what are others doing / not doing?
  • what are you thinking?
  • what are you feeling?
  • what are you doing?
  • what do you prefer to be doing and happening?
  • what will you do if you're succeeding?
  • how are you going to start?
  • what's different?
  • worst case scenarios?
  • how you might sabotage yourself?
Not Expressing yourself!
  • unclear (eg cause, specific areas, "because")
  • vague pronouns (eg it, they, him etc --> WHAT?)
  • vague verbs (eg I feel hurt --> HOW? WHERE?)
  • vague pronouns (eg the problem is too big --> WHAT? WHERE? HOW?)
  • absolutes (eg never, always)
  • unnecessary limits (eg it's impossible)
  • generalisations (eg all bosses are evil)
  • shifting responsibilities
  • mind reading ( expecting others to do / know something)