Thursday, July 5, 2007

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

by Stephen Covey

Personal Bank Account
  1. Make and keep promises to yourself
    • Decide to do something, and do it!
  2. Do random acts of service
    • Do a kind anonymous deed
  3. Tap into your talents
    • Develop a talent
    • plan specific steps
    • list other talents you admire in others
  4. Be gentle with yourself
    • Recognise areas of your life you feel inferior in, and tell yourself, " It's not the end of the world".
  5. Renew yourself
    • Do a fun activity
    • exercise
  6. Be honest

Habit 1 - Be Proactive

1. Recognise your circle of control and circle of no control.
- Focus on what we can control: Ourselves! And our attitudes!

2. Stop and think! In this situation, are you
  • Proactive or reactive?
  • In control of yourself?
- Don't get angry
- Check how many times you use reactive language
- Do something out of your comfort zone
- Remind yourself not to let others affect your mood
- Find excitement instead of waiting for it
- Ignore things you have no control over
- What is your most unhealthy habit?

Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind

1. Mission Statement
2. Goals
  1. Count the cost
  2. Write it down, and be specific
  3. Just do it
  4. Use momentum and power
  5. Rope up - find people with similar goals
- Determine 3 skills you'll definitely need to succeed
- Review your Mission Statement every 30 days.
- Be the someone you'll like to be.
- Identify the crossroads in your life

Habit 3 - Put First Things First

Time Management

IMPORTANTQuadrant 1Quadrant 2
NOT IMPORTANTQuadrant 3Quadrant 4

Most people spend the bulk of their time at Quadrant 1 activities, and suffer from stress and burnout. And then move to Quadrant 4 for relaxation. Quadrant 2 activities are the activities we should be focusing at, as these will decrease the number of Quadrant 1 emergencies.

"Our doubts are traitors,
And make us lose the good,
We often might win,
By fearing to attempt!"- Shakespeare, Measure By Measure

- Use the planner
- Identify your greatest time-wasters
- Are you a pleaser? Have the courage to say 'no'
- Do not procrastinate - do it a little at a time
- Identify a fear that is holding you back.. Fear of failure? Success? Criticism? The unknown?
- Ask yourself "Who are the people who influence me the most?"

Habit 4 - Think Win-win
Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
Habit 6 - Synergise
Habit 7 - Sharpen the Saw